An Open Letter from the ex - Prodigal Son

October 17, 2014 | Pr. Finny Samuel |

(A fictional letter from the Main character in the Parable of Lost but returned Son [Ex-Prodigal Son] Luke 15:11 - 32)

Dear All,

Many of you may know me not by the name my parents gave me but by the name the society forced on me. I'm the so-called 'Prodigal Son' or 'Lost Son'. Though I'm the representative of all Christians around the world, many prefer to portray me as the representative of sinners and backsliders. This letter is to all Christians to remind you that if you are a born again Christian, I represent you. If you are a Child of God now, I'm none other than yourself. Why? Read on my reasons.

  • I'm not Prodigal Son any more

It is true that when I set off to the far off place I squandered all the riches that my Father gave me.  My craving for physical pleasure, well, the craving for everything I saw, and the pride in my achievements and possessions was from this far off place called world (1 John 2:16). However, now I know that though this world passes away, I will live forever because I do the will of my Father rather than spending my life chasing after my own desires (1 John 2:17, 1 Peter 4:2).  I'm transformed and no longer conformed to this world because I discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:2)

  • I'm not Enslaved any more

Until I came back to my father's house, I have been laboring for this world. Being the servant of Sin [John 8:34, Romans 6:16], I never had a home of my own. Now, having been freed from the bondage of that Sin, I'm restored in the glorious position of sonship and have an eternal home of my own [John 8:35, 36]. I have absolute and complete freedom now [Galatians 5:1] and I know that the responsibilities of that freedom won't allow me to be susceptible to the opportunities for the flesh [Galatians 5:13, 1 Peter 2:16] because it is the truth of my Father that set me free [John 8:32].  I no longer fear the rules and regulations because I'm now under the perfect law of Liberty [James 1:25] and its fruit is my sanctification and the ultimate eternal life with my Father [Romans 6:22]. Furthermore, I'm glad that my father rescued me from the dominion of the darkness of this world and qualified as His son [Colossians. 1:12,13] so I may enjoy the imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven inheritance of my Father [Romans 8:17, Acts. 20:32]

  • I'm not Rejected any more

The love of the world was temporary, and they hated and rejected me when I had nothing to offer them. But after I reached back my Father's house I'm accepted by His everlasting Love and how glad am I to know that my Father continued to love me while I was still a sinner[Romans 5:8-10, 1 John 4:10]! I lived in constant fear until I came back, but now, bound by my Father's perfect love, I'm free from all fear [1 John 4:18].  Moreover, his love brought about a complete transformation in me!

  • I'm not Hungry any more

Now that I'm in my father's house, I'm no longer in want [Psalms 23:1]. I've everything cared for and I do not have to be concerned [1 Peter. 5:7]. The days that no one was willing me to give me even Pig's food is history. I'm never hungry now as I've found the bread of life [John 6.35] and since my Father quenched my thirst, waters of life flow from me [John 4:14] gratifying those who around me as well.  I'm now blessed with everything I need and beyond [Ephesians 1:3] because my father's riches is unfathomable and beyond any measures [Ephesians.3:8].  Since the day I started dwelling in my Father's house, I'm satisfied with all the goodness and the Holiness of this wonderful place [Psalms 65:4]. My bones are stronger and I know the salvation brought me long life [Isaiah 58:11, Psalm 91:16]

  • I'm not Ignorant any more

I'm no longer unsure about my future as I've come to my senses the moment I decided to return to my Father. Though, I hardened my heart to alienate myself from my Father out of the ignorance and darkness of my understanding [Ephesians. 4:18] my Father overlooked the times of my ignorance when I repented [Acts 17:30] and blessed me with all the treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge (Colossians. 3:9].  As I grow in the knowledge of my father,  I am walking in a manner worthy of him pleasing him wholeheartedly (Colossians. 1:10) which gives me full hope of my future (Jeremiah. 29:11). On top of that, He has appointed a teacher who is always with me and guides me in all my ways (John. 14:26). His words are the light of my path teaching, reproofing, correcting and instructing me my steps (2 Timothy 3:16, Romans. 15:4]

  • I'm not alone anymore

No longer am I far from my Home or away from my loving Father. I'm close to my Father in His house [Psalms 145:18]. I do not feel loneliness as my Father is with me always and I have the assurance that He will never leave me nor forsake me for any reason (Deu. 31:8). Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for He is close beside me. His rod and His staff protect and comfort me. [Psalms 23:1] He has promised me that He will come with me wherever I go (Joshua. 1:9) and keep on doing that always, to the end of the age. [Matthew 28:20]. He is mighty enough to save me from any and all danger, He takes delight in me and calms me of all my fears with his Love [Zephaniah. 3:17].  Neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate me and my Father anymore! [Romans 8:38-39].  In the decisions I need to take in my life, in the choices I need to make in my journey and in the hurdles I need to jump over in my race, I have a very special helper with me to lead me in all the truth  [John 14:16-17]

  • I'm not Dead any more

When I used to live with the World following the ruler of the darkness, I was dead in my transgressions [Ephesians 2:1-3].  However, now that my Father accepted me, He made me alive together with him, having forgiven me all my trespasses, canceling all the charges of my legal indebtedness which stood against me and condemned me in the past and seated me in heavenly realms [Colossians. 2:13-15, Ephesians 2:4-6]. He also promised me that I will never die again [John 11:26] and the life He gave me is abundant [John 10:10]. Since I've the hope of this gift of eternal life [Romans. 6:23, 1 John 5:13] I can boldly challenge death in this world [1 Corinthians 15:55]

  • I'm not Lost any more

Just as a shepherd who finds his lost Sheep or a woman who finds her lost coin, my Father rejoiced when he found me and brought me back from the lost ways [Luke 15:7, 10].  I was saved by His grace alone [Ephesians. 2:8] No longer do I drift to find my way to peace, happiness, and hope. I have the blessed assurance of this salvation. I will never be lost again for my Father has commanded his servants concerning me to guard me in all may ways. [Psalms 91:11]. I'm with my Father and no one can snatch me off his hand [John 10:28,29] I am certain that He who began the good work within me, will continue His work until it is finally finished [Philippians. 1:6

Hence dear brothers and sisters, I am no longer prodigal or enslaved or rejected or hungry or ignorant or alone or dead or lost. Could you please stop identifying me by my past? Could you please stop judging me based on my history? Could you please stop making me an example of the worldly? Instead, could you start identifying me by my current status? Could you start to appreciate the blessed and glorious present I have? Could you start to relate yourself with me? I'm the FOUND son. I'm the SAVED son. I'm the RETURNED son. JUST LIKE YOU.

Thank You,

May God Bless You


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Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all.
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